Raspberry Fall Gold has yellow-gold fruit born on a hardy, and unique bramble. It is extremely sweet and excellent for fresh eating, canning and preserves. They are self pollinating, very vigorous and sub-zero hardy! They are very similar to the Heritage Red Raspberry in growth habits, fruiting times and maintenance. Produces on 1 year old wood.
A sure sign of summer! Raspberries (Rubus idaeus x) are not only delicious, they are rich in antioxidants, high in vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber. Once established these raspberry plants will provide years of home grown bounty for your table. Easy to grow, hardy vigorous plants. Self pollinating.
Restricted states – AK, HI.
Wondering about planting & care?
Check out our other Raspberry Varieties!
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BR – 5 Plants N/A – Packaged
What's the difference between Bare Root and Potted/Packaged?
Bare Root Description
Just the plants, bundled 5 with roots packed in media for shipping purposes to ensure you receive viable plants ready for planting. If you know what you want and what your are doing, the perfect cost effective way to start your own berry patch.
Potted/Packaged Description
N/A Packaged