Strawberry Seascape produces Large, firm, symmetrical berries. This hardy everbearing variety is a sturdy, vigorous plant that thrives in all parts of the country. Heavy producer that thrives in various soil types. Produces fruit on un-rooted runners the first year so this is an ideal variety for hanging baskets.
Strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa) are an all time favorite of the home gardener! Enjoy sourcing your own delicious berries by planting these virus free plants. Extend your season with this Ever-Bearing variety.
Bare Root – 25 Plants Packaged – 25 Plants
Wondering about planting & care?
Check out our other Strawberry Varieties!
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Restricted states – AK, HI.
What's the difference between Bare Root and Potted/Packaged?
Bare Root Description
Just the plant, roots packed in moist media for shipping purposes only. If you know want you want and know what you are doing, a perfect cost effective way to start your berry patch!
Potted/Packaged Description
Professionally processed and hand rolled in moist media and poly coated paper to give your plants a head start and protect against root damage. Wrap is secured with moisture resistant sleeve to insure your berries will remain viable until you are ready to plant. Packaging contains color picture with variety information and full planting directions. Perfect if you’re not yet a “green thumb” or if you may not be ready to plant immediately on receipt. Also a great way to share the fun of growing your own Strawberries!