Red Raspberry Boyne is a self pollinating, early season plant that is extremely winter hardy. Its mid- size berries are tremendously flavorful and ripen in mid July. Their sweet and aromatic flavor make them an excellent choice for fresh eating, canning, freezing and desserts. Its heavy canes do not need trellising even though it produces heavy crops of fruit. It is self pollinating and very disease resistant. It grows 4-6′ tall, 2-3′ wide and bears fruit on one year old stems (as soon as canes are done producing they need to be pruned).
A sure sign of summer! Raspberries (Rubus idaeus x) are not only delicious, they are rich in antioxidants, high in vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber. Once established these raspberry plants will provide years of home grown bounty for your table. Easy to grow, hardy vigorous plants. Self pollinating.
Restricted States – AK, HI.
Hardy in zones 3-8.
BR – 5 Plants Packaged – 2 Plants
Wondering about planting & care?
Check out our other Raspberry Varieties!
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