AARS Winner – Gorgeous semi double 30 petal count fragrant flowers. Sweet sunny yellow blooms 4-5″ across from late spring till late fall on arching branches up to 15′ tall! Climbing Rose Golden Showers blooms heaviest in spring and early fall. Thick stems with glossy medium green foliage. Flowers stand up well to rain and plant does well in shade in warmer climates.
Hardy in zones 7-10 without protection.
Do not trim the first year.
They bloom on older wood so do not trim the first year.
2 yr. #1 rose.
Wondering about planting & care?
Check out our Sub Zero Rose Varieties!
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What's the difference between Bare Root and Potted/Packaged?
Bare Root Description
Just the plant, roots packed in moist media for shipping purposes only. If you know what you want and know what you are doing, the perfect cost effective way to beautify your homestead.
Potted/Packaged Description
Professionally pruned and hand potted to give your Rose a head start. We use a plantable, biodegradable fiber pot – made from recycled material. Sealed in poly bag to retain moisture and insure your rose will remain viable until you are ready to plant. Packaging contains color picture label with variety information and full planting directions. Perfect if you’re not yet a “green thumb” or if you may not be ready to plant immediately on receipt. Also a great way to share the beauty as a gift!