We hang the Christmas Mistletoe as a sign of good will and to steal a kiss or two! This is real Mistletoe (Phoradendron flavescens) decorated with red Christmas bow and preserved for long life.
Why Mistletoe?
Mistletoe has long been a mysterious, magical, and sometimes sacred plants of old world folklore. Thought to bring life and fertility, provide protection against ‘poisons’ and, as a bonus, was considered by many to be an aphrodisiac!
Mistletoe was thought to be a plant of peace in early Scandinavian cultures. Enemies could declare a truce or bickering spouses would kiss and make-up under its spell. In the eighteenth-century, the English, drawing on ancient druid traditions, created the mistletoe kissing ball. A young lady standing under the mistletoe kissing ball risked the loss of romance or friendship if she refused a kiss. If a couple in love did kiss under the mistletoe, a long happy life of marriage was the reward!
Merry Christmas!
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