We Are Currently Suspending Spring Orders/Shipments.

Asparagus Officinalis “Purple Passion”

Asparagus is nature’s finest early season vegetable. Purple Passion is sweeter and more tender than the green varieties. A colorful option for raw eating in salads, yet will turn green when cooked. Harvest healthy fresh asparagus – straight to your table! Does best in full sun to partial shade. Plant in deeply worked soil, 12”- 18” apart.

Zone 3-8 hardy. (May not perform well in warmer states because it may not become dormant)

A perennial vegetable you will enjoy for years to come. Plantings can be productive for 15+ years with proper maintenance. Easy to harvest, best when prepared/eaten fresh!

Wondering about planting & care?

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Restricted states- AZ, MD, OR

Bare Root – (25) 2 yr plants


Bare Root

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