Beautiful rose/pink flowers (up to 6″ in diameter) cover the summer flowering shrub when few other plants are in bloom. Rose of Sharon is an easy to grow plant that also attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, birds and bees. This versatile shrub has many uses including foundations plantings, hedges or as an outstanding specimen plant. Also known as Althea, Hibiscus syriacus Roe of Sharon are heat loving, drought tolerant and cold hardy plants with few pest problems and require very little care. Often one of the last shrubs to leaf out in the spring, so please be patient! Mature shrubs will reach 10-12′ in height and spread to 4-5′ in width. Also make a wonderful low maintenance container grown plant!
Attracts bees & butterflies!
15/18″ plant.
Hardy in zones 5-9
Wondering about planting & care?
Check out our other Flowering Shrubs!
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